Copyright remains with the individual author/artist. Their permission must therefore be obtained before any work within this zine may be used elsewhere.
t-square - Man Ray
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." Einstein
Unit conversion factors
The Nine Times Table - Louise Norlie
Untitled + John Brewer
STOP... - Fabien Delecto
Slipstring = Darin C Bradley
Bottle Collector (Arden Eli Hill )
Medicine / Carrie Crow
Sit My Son + Tyler Enfield
Dogzplot = Colette Jonopulos
Ada - Emma Lee
Abacuphilia / B Drew Collier
Still Life with Bacteria -
        Michael Loughrey
Golden Divide = Mark Howard Jones
Body Worlds + Rachel Kendall
The Substitute Teacher /
         - George Anderson
denomination = peter schwartz
Dark Planet - Andrew Taylor
Shadows [Irene Frenkel]
Discocogito + Kyle Ferguson
Buffalo Tale / Willie Smith
The arteries of the head and neck
Perseverence (zero sum) / Marc Lowe
Commedia dell'art - Michael Murray
Mister - Genna Gardini
Vole + Richard Wink
Medicine (Klimt)
Why I Hate Beerocks + Susanne Grazyna
Plague (Juliet Cook)
[Dada 45]