Toothsayer by Laura Forgie
Ideas of Murder in Vermont by Jonathan Woods
Death in Disneyland by Ross Brodie
Gypsy With Child by Phil Doran
Fete by Juliet Cook
Window to Life by V Ulea
Treatment with Possible Pardon... by Bryson Newhart
Doll # 1 by John Brewer
The Pathology of Perception by Kris Pittman
Thirty Days of Bellesgrant and Zerxaquarius by Yarrow Paisley
Nausea by April Michelle Bratten
Let's Become Like Birds by Laura Forgie
Spaghetti Fiction by Phil Doran. Review by Rachel Kendall
Session by J E Stanley
Beyond First Taste by Colette Jonopulos
Asystole by Sherry Musick
Teratophobic Man by Christopher Allan Death
Death's Entrance by David McLean
Postcard of the Hanging by Pablo Vision
Pretend That We're Dead by Alison J Littlewood
Cadaver's Dance by David McLean. Review by Rachel Kendall
The Devoid by Philip Clark
Sally Mann: What Remains by Rachel Kendall
Mother by Dan Smith
The Mouth of the River Rat by Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal
1938 WPA Poster by B Drew Collier
Mr Pressure Loses His Mantra by J L Dale
The Early Moon Pressed An Eye To the Window by B Drew Collier
Death's Antidote by Grace Andreacchi
DeadMeatDeadWoodLiveFlies by Sherry Musick
Consider the Percocet by Greg Gerke
Himself Rustic Breath by Solo Hawkins
Noon by Brenton Rossow
Manhattan Transit in July by Adele C Geraghty
Guillotine Promenade by Carrie Crow
Dark Dualism by Hana Sustkova
Quantum Work As a Type of the Experimental Fiction by V Ulea

Copyright remains with the individual author/artist. Their permission must therefore be obtained before any work within this zine may be used elsewhere.