RACHEL KENDALL. EDITOR. SEIN UND WERDEN (BEING AND BECOMING). Rachel shares a pokey little flat in Manchester, England, with her partner and their cat, her books and his guitars, Owen the stuffed armadillo, Dallas the mannequin, and countless other tasteless artifacts. As well as editing Sein und Werden, she works part time in an academic library, writes surreal pieces of fiction, starts and doesn't finish novels and is addicted to noir and expressionist films.

CLAIRE NIXON. EDITOR. TWISTED TONGUE. Claire, from the North-East of England, is the mother of five children. She writes in many different genres and is a member of three crit groups on the net. She has had several short stories published in magazines, ezines, audio and anthologies. In December 2004, she published her children's tale, Tabitha and Pirate Jim, as a present for her eldest child, Tabitha. Tabitha and Pirate Jim is now published as an audio tale with Audio Stories for Kids. In between writing, she currently works as marketing coordinator/interviewer for Gold Dust Magazine.

GARY GRAY. EDITOR. GLOBAL INNER VISIONS. Gary is retired from a twenty-five-year career with The Wall Street Journal. During his time at the newspaper, he contributed in a small way to the winning of five of the Journal's thirty-one Pulitzer prizes. He is currently living in Colorado and passing his time as a writer and fine-art photographer.

OMMA VELADA. FOUNDER AND FORMER EDITOR. GOLD DUST. Omma Velada grew up in Wales and read languages at Goldsmiths College (London University). She has an MA in translation from Westminster University. She speaks English, French and German fluently and has a basic knowledge of Welsh. Having precociously completed a (very short!) novel at age 11, she had two poems selected for Poems on the Underground and won a short-story competition with Off The Wall Magazine while at school. She then edited a student magazine at university. Having worked as an air hostess, freelance translator and editor, she currently lives in Scotland with her partner, Ed, and writes full-time. Her short stories and poems have been published in numerous literary journals (including JMWW, Blood & Thunder, The Eildon Tree and The Beat) and anthologies (including Voices from the Web, Whispers of Inspirations and The New Pleiades Anthology of Poetry). Her first novel, The Mackerby Scandal, is published by UKA Press.
For more than thirty years, ALEXANDER JAMES was a journalist working internationally for the biggest newspapers and magazines in the world until turning exclusively to books ten years ago. He has written, ghosted, contributed to and edited more than 100 titles, 90% of them novels. He lives on the French Riviera. He and his partner share four children in their thirties (each of whom lives in a different European country) and four grandchildren.
The Interview
An interview with Rachel Kendall, Claire Nixon,
Gary Grey and Omma Velada

By Alexander James