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Copyright remains with the individual author/artist. Their permission must therefore be obtained before any work within this zine may be used elsewhere.
cryptogram  -  Peter Schwartz
Valentine Poem  -  Juliet Cook

One Afternoon  -  Charles Clifford Brooks III        

Background from the film Klute

I Shall Not Want  -  Brian Collier 

Sunset at the Moulin Rouge  -  Terri Crane      
Down the Hall and to the Left  -  E. Mitchell Stone    

Electric Blue  -  Richard Strachan     

Untitled  -  Candice Rice   

The Barbarians of San Francisco: a review  -  Charles P. Ries      

Fallen  -  Joanne Cornelius & J. E. Stanley      
Of Fishnets and Fuck Me Shoes  -  Spyros Heniadis    
Portrait  -  Joe London  

Monty Can't Sleep  -  Shane Sterling 

Flood  -  Juliet Cook 

Untitled  -  Jason Ellison 

Fallen Star  -  Mark Howard Jones 

Blood Money  -  Rachel Kendall 

Scorpion  -  Neddal Ayad
1  -  C. L. Bledsoe
Resurrection in the Root Cellar  -  Charles P. Ries

Angelo Rosso  -  Gary McMahon

Appraise Me  -  Matt Williams

Fox Fur  -  Candice Rice
Untitled  -  Rachel Kendall

Turn that Heartbeat over Again  -  Corey Mesler
Roselabia  -  John Brewer 

Carter  -  Christopher Morris 

Yellow Gingerbread Affair  -  Juliet Cook
Toy Man  -  Peter Schwartz  

Daydreams  -  Silena Remillard
Moral Afternoon  -  Cameron C. Clayton 

Sideways  -  J. Sloane 


Issue the Eighth


Sein und Werden likes dark, exquisite photography, twisted, dirty artwork, stark raving mad erotica. Sein und Werden has an adult content. This is the DESIRE issue. Need I say more?