I could feel the moonlight attempting penetration. It was time. My blood pooled like an alarm, I was a  balloon, about to burst. Clawing at cocooned shell, my fingers grew razors, ignoring the raw damage, mutually being done. I would heal when I was free.
Something cracked. I could feel foreign temperatures slipping through.  I welcomed the change, the idea of challenging elements was inherent.  I was blessed with the gift of water. Twin gilded wings that did not sag in puddle or pond, deflected acidic rain. I am daughter of Neptune. My eyes echo the darkest depths.
One last stretch and my first world shatters. I am catapult, whipped into the next. I follow trailing daylight, break with receding tide's last wave. Airborne acrobatics flow through me like air. I am ocean's breath.  I listen for charges, the seahorse, the whale. I titter response to all immediately below. They will carry news of my christening to my father. He will be waiting for my inaugural dive home.
