"Do you know who I am!?" was his favorite line for those
who weren't giving him the attention he felt he deserved.

"So who are you?" some would ask out of curiosity,
and he'd answer, "I'm the poet 'such and such' and if you
don't know me it's to your great loss!"

To which he always received mixed responses, but recently
this one woman replied, "Hell, everyone is a poet in their own way.
Just because you write and publish your work doesn't mean
you're better than anyone else, and it surely doesn't warrant
your getting any special attention!"

Feeling totally put in his place, the poet returned home
and didn't communicate with anyone for a good deal of time.

He didn't write any more poems, but just thought about
what the woman had said while trying to figure out
something else he could do that would separate him
from the crowd...