Mark Lewis
Ten Days that Shook the World
The Lesser Planets Heritage Council is proud to present an exhibition of all that remains of the planet Earth. Ten days have been saved from the Earth's timeline. A fully interactive experience, visitors can enter each day. The Curators have carefully chosen the following ten days:
Day 1: A single-celled organism splits into two.
Day 2: A fish with the beginnings of stumpy legs flops out of the sea on to a beach.
Day 3: Tyrannosaurus versus Triceratops.
Day 4: Dust clouds start to clear after the world had been hit by a meteorite.
Day 5: A hairy pink biped discovers fire and gets the planet's first burnt finger. This day contains language that may offend more sensitive visitors.
Day 6: The third snow of the period that later inhabitants called the 'Ice Age'.
Day 7: A volcano erupts.  Please remain within the viewing pod at all times, exemptions are only allowed for natives of Helios 2.
Day 8: A human has an idea when a frog was hit by lightning. Easily offended sentients should be warned an amphibian was harmed in this experiment.
Day 9: On the anniversary of The Event, several of the few remaining human survivors are eaten by giant insects.
Day 10: The Hive Global Treasury defaults on its loans to the Intergalactic Monetary Committee and the planet Earth is repossessed and demolished.
This exhibition will last for four standard weeks at the Minor Planets Heritage Museum, after which all ten days will be erased to make space for the next exhibit 'Ten particles of dust from Mars'.